Is it possible to pay an employee’s salary in cryptocurrency?

Could companies pay their employees’ salaries in cryptocurrency for consumption in a virtual reality? Or as salary in kind? The absence of a legal framework covering these possibilities makes them difficult to implement for the time being. It will also be necessary for the courts and tribunals to reach decisions on such an innovative issue. […]

When are tips considered part of a worker’s wages?

If the tip is a direct transfer between the customer and the worker without the company’s involvement, it will not form part of the worker’s wages. The lack of labor regulations governing tips in many business sectors (with some exceptions, such as the casino sector which does regulate them) leaves us with myriad questions regarding […]

Are electronic pay statements valid?

Since 2011, the Spanish Supreme Court’s position, reflected in the judgment handed down on December 22 that year, has been to hold that salary receipts, i.e. pay statements, should be delivered on paper. The court’s view was that this transpires from article 29.1 of the Workers’ Statute (“Salary documentation shall be provided by delivering an […]