The use of artificial intelligence raises some challenges for labor relations

Technological developments have promoted the emergence of solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI), with an infinity of possible applications in many different areas, including labor relations. The use of AI in this area raises several questions from a legal and human resources perspective, from the specific issues in which these tools may be useful to […]

What role can companies play in the area of mental health?

On occasion of the publication by the Ministry of Health of the National Mental Health Strategy for 2022-2026, we reflect on how preventive action can contribute to an increase in the level of mental health of workers. Following the Covid-19 pandemic and especially in 2021, society has begun to talk about mental health and thus […]

3-day weekends: a real possibility?

In a year still marked by the pandemic and by its impact on employment, there is an ongoing public debate in Spain regarding the possibility of reducing working time to 4 days a week. At the beginning of 2021 the Government promised the political party Más País to perform a social experiment aimed at having […]

Physical exercise: a contractual obligation?

There are numerous studies linking the regular practice of physical exercise to greater productivity in the workplace. Exercise improves health in general, so logically it enables our bodies to be in a better condition to perform our duties at work. That is the conclusion reached by many studies, one of which is called “The effect […]

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