Data protection challenges in an employment context

Technological evolution, globalization and the use of Internet constantly raise new questions regarding how to act in situations with a potential impact on personal data protection. This is especially relevant in an employment context, in which multiple situations arise in which it becomes necessary to analyze the impact of an employer’s decisions in connection with […]

New clues in the labyrinth of international telework

The Administrative Commission for the Coordination of Social Security Systems of the European Commission has published a guiding memorandum on international telework and the Social Security system applicable in cases in which services are provided remotely under the framework of the European Union. International telework continues to be the great unknown in our legal system, […]

Working towards a law on human rights due diligence in an employment context

The eradication of forced child labor, the fight against discrimination at work and the protection of and respect for human rights all form part, together with other measures, such as combatting environmental impact, of the principles laid down in the UN commitment acquired in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, which was assumed by Spain […]

Spain: The National Appellate Court outlines the requirements relating to teleworking agreements and the consequences of non-compliance

Distance working is proving a challenge for employers, and its implementation in practice needs to be regulated internally. A judgment of the National Appellate Court has set out the key aspects to be considered in relation to teleworking agreements. Teleworking is defined as “distance working carried out through the use, exclusively or primarily, of information, […]

Equal Pay Day: what has been achieved so far and the challenges that remain

September 18 is the third anniversary of the approval by United Nations (UN) of International Equal Pay Day, a reminder of the progress made and what has still to be achieved to bring about real equality between men and women in the area of employment. The first international rule aimed at combating inequality between men […]

How does the Government’s energy efficiency plan affect heating and air conditioning at companies? Questions from the labor point of view

The recently approved energy saving and efficiency measures directly affect the temperature that companies must have in their facilities but, at the same time, raise questions that leave room for interpretation as well as doubts about coexistence with other regulations.  Following the trend in legislation in connection with energy efficiency to which we referred in […]

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