International Day of Persons with Disabilities to highlight the role of innovation in advancing an accessible and equitable world

The measures to be adopted by public and private organizations to mainstream people with disabilities include promoting active employment policies and equal access to jobs. The theme of the 2022 International Day of Persons with Disabilities, celebrated on December 3, is “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and […]

The importance of having workers’ statutory representatives at workplaces

It is clear from various regulations approved over the last few years, that the role of labor unions in collective bargaining has been given a significant boost. Indeed, when addressing the subject of representative committees during consultation periods, legislation has given the most representative unions in the sector to which the company belongs a leading […]

How to limit an employer’s liability for an occupational disease acquired by a worker from more than one job

Where a worker acquired an occupational disease while working for different employers, it will be essential for those employers to provide evidence that the necessary safety measures were taken during the period in which the worker formed part of their workforce, with a view to limiting potential damages for civil liability on such grounds. This […]

Paper with weekly time sheet on a table.

Position taken by the Labor Inspection Authorities following the Supreme Court judgments releasing employers from the requirement to record time worked

In judgments handed down on March 23 and April 20, 2017, the Supreme Court rendered the position taken by the National Appellate Court void and ruled clearly that article 35.5 of the Workers’ Statute does not require employers to keep a daily record of time worked, but rather that said record is only required in […]